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The City of God Kingdom is a Network of Ministries and businesses as well as individuals who have the same heart  and mind to be one as the early church was. But we don't just stop there. We expand the Kingdom to around the world.

The City of God is a place where we demonstrate the oneness as we run he entire city as the Body of Christ. So we are building the Holy city that was once in Jerusalem. This City of God will be the Headquarters for the Body of Christ Worldwide.

This City of God will house and train warriors from the womb to their Destiny  in Christ Jesus. Then they will go out and establish other Cities of God in the World.

The bible is the Word of God and the prophecies that come with it of our lives today. We know that the enemy plots to stop our Destiny, but he read the end of the book and so did we. The Kingdom of God Wins!

We are saints that Love Father with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and we love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We are Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, and Teachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are the saints of the Most High God who reigns for ever and ever!

We are preparing the Body of Christ to be ready when he comes back.We are from various cultures, races, denominations, but we are of the Faith of Jesus Christ and Him born of a Virgin, Mary and came to die for our sins. He rose again on the third day and is now set at the right hand of God our Father in Heaven waiting to be sent back to rapture up the Church almost any day now!

We are Kings and Priest and we reign on the earth. For the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent taketh by force.